Press Play
Romans 4:21
"And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform."
Walking in Kingdom Principles
The Month's Events
COVID-19 Message from the Bishop
Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior: As a responsible Spiritual and Civic Leader during these challenging times, I hereby resolve even as we reopen to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. New Covenant Community Church will be adhering to social distancing, temperature checks and hand sanitizing upon arrival. Sanitizing and deep cleaning of all common areas of the church will remain the focus after all activities. We encourage you to continue to join us in prayer at 5:45AM every Tuesday & Thursday morning by dialing 646.769.9900 - Access Code 3493285. Also, we will continue our Word Alive studies on Wednesday nights at 7:00PM via Zoom. We invite you to join with us on Sunday morning @ 9:30AM, for worship in person or via our social media links. We will continue to take the steps necessary to provide a safe environment for our church family and our community.
Blessings Anthony W. Sease, Pastor